A-List For A Change Non-Profit/Pro-Change Organization
Focusing more on my “A-List For A CHANGE” Non-Profit Organization! This past week around 4 teens emailed me w their problems…screaming for help! WE need to make a change; we need to stand up for those who cant stand; we need to help & inspire our YOUTH and help empower their parents (especially single parents.) WE MOST IMPORTANTLY need to keep our kids off the streets where the only influences they get can ruin their lives!
IM ONLY ONE WOMAN & I, too am a single parent. As much as I would LOVE to be able to do everything on my own, I struggle too…I have kids too. And TRUST ME…Im far from rich! While most ppl have a spouse or significant other to help them with their bills and more, I have NO ONE…not even a grandma to babysit! So with this being said, Im asking everyone to help me make a difference.
Everyone who knows me personally or who has been following my career online KNOWS that I am genuine and sincere about helping the youth and PEOPLE IN GENERAL. Everyone who knows me personally knows that Im not flashy, dont drive in expensive cars or live in a mansion. I live very humbly and am very comfortable with that. Im not a materialistic person and rather help others than to spend $200 on a purse! I say this because I KNOW THERE ARE TONS OF CON ARTISTS; tons of people who use fundraisers/non-profit causes to benefit their own pockets. With me, you dont have to worry about that. Im blessed already and just need help in blessing others!
One thing about me that you must know is that I dont do things for the money. For the 2 years that I have been in the industry, I have offered my services pro bono! I have promoted, connected and helped without charging a dime. Most people say that my downfall is my big soft heart but I feel as tho that is my strong point because I KNOW God will reward me in different ways.
How can you help? It would really help if people/sponsors can donate at least $10 or more to help get this 501c3 license. I have all the necessary license but need a 5013c which costs $$$. Im willing to do all the paperwork myself (which so far has taken me about 4 hours and Im still not done) but I just need help in the filing fees and other fees associated with the 5013c. A-List For A Change Non-Profit Organization is already registered, licensed and all that great stuff but in order for us to operate better, we need the 5013c.
For businesses, entrepenuers, artists, producers, etc… in return, I can add you to A-List’s newsletter, which will be blasted to over 10,000 ppl (around 4-5k in Atlanta alone) and over 70,000+ fans on myspace alone worldwide. For those who just want to donate, we appreciate you and always know that God will reward you for your great deed.
Donations can be sent via
paypal to alistmegaproductions@gmail.com (Credit cards, debit cards & echecks) If you dont have a paypal account, please let me know & I will send you an invoice.
money orders or cash (send cash at your own risk & be sure to leave a note with your email address) C. Cruz
c/o: Caldwell, 801 Friendly Hills Dr, Decatur, GA 30085
cash in person (Atlanta only). Please contact Ly Averette at 678-523-2914
For those who want to take advantage of our newsletter blast, after making a donation, please email a.list.talent@gmail.com with any promotional ad (flyers, banners, website info, etc…)
Thank you for taking this time to read this long blog. Im sorry that I probably rambled but its early in the morning! lol
Respectfully yours,
Connie Cruz