Key Swag 3000 Issue

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Atlantas own Fabio has a new video for everyone to take a look at. If you don't know who Fabio is, now is your chance to get to know him. You heard it here 1st

From the country of Colombia to the city of Atlanta, he sets free all of his skills and experiences to deliver to the people the sound of Fabio. His fluent English and Spanish provide the best of both worlds to every type of person. On stage, he takes over the crowd with his electrifying performance and instrumental that will make you dance non-stop.
At an early age, Fabio showed interest in music listening to Salsa, Bachata, Hip Hop, and R&B. His family moved to the U.S.; it was a different culture and environment for him but he felt very inspired when he watched his cousin in Miami make music. His love for the art developed as he saw more performances. A year later, he decided to work on his music and the concept of Fabio was born. Being able to fluently speak English and Spanish helped him communicate and work with various producers, artists, and dancers. His humble and energetic personality attracts people of different kinds and his fans love him for that. In the studio, he is a production machine, and on stage he is a crowd magnet. Musicians enjoy working with him, investors trust his word, and the people support him.
During his musical journey, Fabio took the time to understand the business and the need of the consumer. He developed a strong international team with the focus to deliver the sensation of Fabio. While he is performing his product in front of various types of people, he is in the studio writing and producing non-stop. Fabio is currently recording new music and is determined to achieve his goal of delivering his sound to the people.


To listen to more Fabio click here

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