Key Swag 3000 Issue

Monday, January 24, 2011

Review of Like EM All By Jacob Latimore FT. Diggy

11:40 p.m. January 24th 2011

Okay so I am in the middle of Monday January 24th/January 25th and I have been waiting to see this video from Jacob Latimore called "Like Em All" featuring Diggy son of Rev Run (Run DMC). I just know that the video is going to be on point. I can't wait to see the video and post a review about it. But just before doing so I have to post this link for YNT readers/fans so they can also see the video and then I am back to waiting.

11:50 p.m. January 24th 2011 Still waiting, refreshing my screen to see if it would just happen to be up and play. But its nothing up yet. Now I see how the fans feel (LOL) adrenalin rush to see what it is going to be like and who is all in the video.

12 a.m. January 25th 2011.......... Due to technical difficulties the video has not started. We have been given the word that Vevo is working on the problem and the video will be up soon.

7:00 a.m.
It started out slow on VEVO but it finally posted and it was well worth the wait. The video graphics were amazing, it was very fun, had a lot of dancing and singing. Alix Lapri cameo with Diggy, and I also seen QT Jazz and Rachel Nicole dancing with Jacob. A great video. YNT gives 2 thumbs up no thumbs down for all the creativity that was put into this master piece.

Overall the video was great, I see the vision of the song, given all young ladies back confidence to not have to change a thing.

Jacob Latimore "Like 'Em All" featuring Diggy Simmons Download Now on Itunes

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