Key Swag 3000 Issue

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

New Video by T.K. N Ca$h "BRO'S"

T.K. N Ca$h  new Pre-Shock mixtape

 Make sure you check out the New T.K. N Ca$h Mixtape titled "PRE-SHOCK" 

On 12/25/2011 T.K. N Ca$h provided there new music video called "BRO'S" Where the story takes place in the recording studio. It seems as if the two have been working very hard to get there album done when "Ca$h" Say's that they should have a party. A phone call is placed and the party begins.

The video is directed by Christopher Wilkes. I have to say that I love the video quality and concept. You will hear more on T.K. N Ca$h but until then here is there Christmas present with love. Enjoy!!!

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