Key Swag 3000 Issue

Monday, December 5, 2011

NeRdYbIrDs "All About you"

D2 a.k.a NeRdYbIrDs, a dynamic duo, is composed of two 8 year-young boys with a passion to perform artistically. Deke and DevlynTyree teamed up to express their musical side through the exploration of varied music genres. The young boys perform cover songs from rap and r&b to pop and country. Do not be fooled, D2 also has more than a couple original songs that have been mastered and mixed and oth...ers are in the process of being recorded and produced. The duo use music as a way to express themselves and be a voice for kids their age. Moreover, the two understand the impact music can have on the world. Interestingly enough, the duo also lend their hands in various community service events locally, statewide, and nationally. The micro-philanthropists genuinely have a love of humanity and care about the human race in a way that is rare amongst kids their age. They are in the launching stage of their nonprofit organization, Small Hand. This organization exhibits their love as they care about children and community service. Deke and DevlynTyree, “making moves changing up this industry” and impacting the world one small hand at a time.

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